However I am not the type of person to just take this lying down. I will rebuild. Most of the blogs will come better and be even better.
See below for the recover cache off google. I will put the pictures and videos back but it may take time.
Friday, May 11, 2007
The Graveyard shift.
Any one who has worked night work knows why they call it the grave yard shift. Its because you feel like your partaking in a slow death. And in reality you are. Studies have shown that people who are shift workers lose YEARS off their lives. Such is the impact on the body. In fact most times I do a night no matter how much sleep I get during the day I feel like crap. Because I this I'm glad I'm building an income that doesn't require physical assaults on my body and that is slowly building my financial freedom.
Visit to learn more
Posted by Get Financial Freedom 4 U at 7:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: graveyard shift, night work.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Sucked in Paris Hilton
Paris Hilton who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and is famous for little more than being famous has come to the full attention of the law. Bad enough that she believed she could drive around smashed in the first place - she then ignores the court and drives while disqualified. Hey Paris having a Bentley doesn't mean you own the road. Paris is a classic example of just because you have money - doesn't mean you have class. Likewise just because you have money doesn't mean your above everyone else. She could have easily afforded a driver but instead chose to ignore the court. I couldn't believe the shit her lawyer was trying to feed the press about his client being singled out. She spent her life trying to single herself out and now shouldn't complain about the results.
I hope the forty five days in Jail is a wake up call for a women who thinks it is cool to go around commando! I suggest she doesn't do that in prison or she might not like the added consequences!
Posted by Get Financial Freedom 4 U at 9:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: 45 days in jail., paris hilton, paris hilton goes to jail
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Back into the slog.
Well after some nice holidays I've returned to the rat race of my government job. If my internet concerns keep growing though eventually going to work with be MY choice and not a choice because I financially have to. I choose the internet to start online business ventures because my business is own home based and doesn't physically wear me out. I have friends who have started businesses like landscaping, etc. But while they earn good money they are tired, sun burnt and spend less time with their family.
My idea of a good business is one that puts money in my pocket and increases your time with your family, not one that leaves to tired and without energy.
The other thing I love about the internet is it gives you a vent for self expression.
That's my though for the day.
Posted by Get Financial Freedom 4 U at 12:27 AM 0 comments
Labels: home based business., return to work
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Making Money Online: Google Adsense
Although there is much we do online simply for the fun of it. Most of what we do is done in the hope to earn some extra income. Eventually I want to be able to retire from my regular job thanks to online income. The internet has the potential to make this possible.
One of the easiest ways to earn money online is through Google Adsense. The easiest ways to get accepted is to click on a link and fill in the information required to be accepted as a Google Publisher.
One important rule:- NEVER CLICK ON YOUR OWN ADS. Google will ban you.
At first you will only make a bit of pocket money. However as your traffic builds up so will your Google income. One days I would love to be a member of the 10,000 club. These are people who earn over $10,000 dollars a month through Google adsense. The check is couriered out to them personally. On top of that they often get gifts from Google with Google logo's and the like - free T-shirts, promotional materials and more.
If your going to do anything online the very first thing you must do is join adsense.
The link is on the right column. Scroll down for the banner.
Another thing that is great from Google is Google Firefox browser. Its free, will remember passwords and more and I find it to be the best browser available. Its certainly quicker than most and you can easily open multiple tabs and windows.
Posted by Get Financial Freedom 4 U at 10:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: $10, 000 club, adsense, Firefox, Google, make money online, online income
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Getting the Extended Warranty
My wife and I always get the extended warranty because we always seem to need it.
A lot of people go through life without any extended warranty they never have a problem, everything is easy for them. I am not one of those people. I live in the world of Murphy's law - if something can go wrong it properly will. This doesn't mean I can have success in life - it just means I have to work at it. My online businesses are growing and succeed because I keep at it. Other people join a program like Global Domains International and have instant success, others like me live in the real world where you are only rewarded by putting time and effort in. Likewise with building our other online business, Google adsense and affiliate marketing. Does this mean we can't enjoy success. No it means we enjoy it more because we earned it, fought for it, struggled for it. Great achievements in life are those achieved against the odds.
I recently listened to the story of a man who won the largest lottery prize yet - over $300 million dollars. You would think his dreams came true. He was going to help a lot of people. In truth it destroyed his life. He turned to alcohol and his life began to fall about. 'Success' was destroying him.
My wife and I don't have success fall in our lap. Take for example our luck with household appliances. We had a fridge die (replaced under extended warranty). Had a computer play up on three occasions (repaired three times - last time under extended warranty), its printer played up twice as well. The washing machine last month died (repaired under extended warranty).
And just yesterday I was saying to the wife about how the big screen television had been the one appliance we brought that hadn't caused us a problem. She had "you've jinxed us now".
You know what happened. Today I was watching the news on the LG Big screen rear projection television and I heard a sparking, smelt burning and the screen died. Thankfully its still under extended warranty and we will be getting a repairer around to fix it or replaced under warranty.
So we could take two views - one we are unlucky, life is unfair and give up. Or face reality - fight for success, put everything on a surge guard and buy the extended warranty.
Posted by Get Financial Freedom 4 U at 7:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: appliances, extended warranty, online success
Friday, April 20, 2007
Updating Blogs
Thanks to Blogger updating I've been busy updating some of my favorite blogs to take advantage of the new Blogger page elements options like RSS, HTML/JAVA, Photos, Links, Text, etc. There appears to be less templates to choose from but each site is more customizable.
Hopefully it will help to increase my adsense revenue. I'm aiming for $100 a month so I can get a monthly income check to spend on internet advertising. I think once I get that sort of regular money resource to put into my internet business it will really take off.
I even recently purchased some advertising - 20,000 views and even though a lot of the people will not doubt instantly click off I have noticed a descent increase in revenue, etc.
As they say it takes money to make money.
If you want to look at surfing programs, traffic and advertising ideas
CLICK THIS LINK - no point now this blog was deleted by some son of a bitch!!!
Posted by Get Financial Freedom 4 U at 8:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: adsense, earning money, internet advertising
Thursday, April 19, 2007
The Fast is over.
You never realize just how many cooking shows are on T.V. until you go on a fast.
My wife didn't want me to go on too long as she thought it would not be good for my health. I went 43 hours which is the longest I've ever gone without food. I dropped nearly 2 kilos - probably none of it fat - a bit scary. Never mind I didn't get that hungry but I did miss the taste of food. I also felt tired on the second day of my fast and was slower in doing things.
You'd think your body would be glad to get some food back into it, but even after only two days my reaction to eating was that I felt bloated and actually preferred the feeling when I hadn't eaten.
If nothing else it was a good discipline in self control and gave a chance for my digestive system to take a temporary break.
Posted by Get Financial Freedom 4 U at 2:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: end fasting, fasting, what a fast is like.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Continuing Business Success
If you need more money (and who doesn't), you need to have an online business. One of the things we do online and love is Global Domains International. Our down line continues to grow. It is an international opportunity that reaching across multi-lingual barriers. In fact our latest member/partner is from Argentina and represents a great opportunity to contact Spanish speakers.
If you looking for a great business opportunity we recommend GDI.
Posted by Get Financial Freedom 4 U at 11:07 AM 0 comments
Labels: make money, online business, online success
Well it is now 24 hours since I had something to eat and its not been easy. I just didn't realize how often I got up and went to the fridge to have a snack. I got up numerous times and went to grab a snack and just stopped my self in time reminding myself I'm on a fast.
The wife cooked chips for the boys tonight and that was not fun. I WANTED some of that nice fat and cooked chips. Smelled so nice. Although I've wanted food I can't say I've suffer any real hungry pains. I want to eat more because I want the nice tastes and flavors, not because I feel like I'm fading away. I haven't noticed any huge lack of energy, mind you I haven't been doing any physical demanding activities.
I went to the shops and brought some food. Thats difficult buying yummy stuff knowing your not going to be eating any of it.
WEIGHT: 78.2 kg. Probably not real lost of weight, just the crap that builds up in your digestive tract, etc.
Posted by Get Financial Freedom 4 U at 1:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: fasting, no food, weight lose
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
I haven't yet played too many MMORPG's. What is a MMORPG? It is a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. I learnt about it from South Parks episode parodying World of Warcraft which was a total scream. Being a bit of a internet and game addict myself I'm a bit surprised I haven't jumped on the bandwagon yet. Probably Australia's lack of decent broadband speed is the main reason. Kevin Rudd's suggestion of investing in speeding up Australia's broadband speed sounds like a better idea than just leaving a couple of billion in the bank and gaining interest. I think in the long term Australia's economy will be disadvantaged if we don't embrace the internet more with billions of dollars in transactions occurring and great business opportunities like Global Domains International, affiliate marketing, etc. The funny thing about MMORPG is they have become so popular with millions of players that they now have their own economies with rates of exchange against real currency. In the case of Linden Dollars from the MMORPG Second Life the exchange rate is stable at $270 Linden Dollars to one US dollar. The whole point of second life is to create on online fantasy economy with shops, malls, casinos, etc all owned by their online creators. Some people have been so successful in this online world, they make 'real' fortunes - some are earning over $5000 US a month. I tried second life because its free to trial but I didn't think much of it, probably the experience was down graded due to connection speed which made the experience far from flowing. Australia really needs faster internet.
MMORPG's have been the subject of much humor and much satire probably because of their addictive nature and the fact many people prefer there fantasy world to their real one. This is only likely to get worse as these fantasy world's become more realistic. You will know the process between fantasy and reality has really blurred when the governments start taxing online fantasy revenue!
For the final word on MMORPG's I'll leave it to this Utube video in which various characters are in a 'serious' discussion on how to overcome a particular dungeon when a character called Leeroy Jenkins decides to take matters into his own hands.
Posted by Get Financial Freedom 4 U at 9:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: leeroy jenkins, MMOPG, MMORPG, online games, world of warcraft
Ebay Store Closes
We closed our Ebay Store.
In a desperate grabbed for more of our cash Ebay has upped the cost of running an online store from $14 to $20 (so much for a 3.5% inflation rate - yeh right). My wife had been running an ebay store selling cheap children's clothes. However ebay has shot themselves in the foot by increasing costs to sellers. No wonder most people on ebay are buyers. It costs the buyer nothing in fees, but as a seller you sometimes wonder if ebay is your silent business partner, rather than an advertising/auction supplier/forum.
Never mind we closed it and will concentrate on other online activities. Don't get me wrong we will still use ebay to sell one off auctions - we just won't have things for sale for 30 days. No doubt ebay won't cry at our lost. We've managed to sell a couple of thousand dollars of stuff that was lying around the home, but I don't think we have the means to make a real go of a successful online store unless we had the ability to import clothes direct from China.
I included this video below from YouTube which probably explains the ebay experience better than I can. Its a short musical video about ebay just click on the bottom left triangle. If you click on the middle of the video you will be taken to the Youtube site.
Posted by Get Financial Freedom 4 U at 1:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: ebay, ebay store
Going on a Fast: Fighting the Buddha Belly
I'm Going on a Fast to Fight against my growing Buddha Belly.
Thanks to a developing middle age spread I decided to go on a fast. I will be drinking water only and will publish my success and failure on the net. I'm on holidays at the moment so this is as good a time as any. I've been eating too much crap lately anyhow and its time to give the digestive system a break and clean out. Start time 18:00hrs Tuesday 17/4/2007. My previous best was for the 40 hours famine when I was a teenager so will be see how I go this time
Current Weight: 79 kilo's - 174 Pounds or 12.4 stone.
Stomach:- Looks like a fat gut Buddha Belly. Or five months pregnant.
Radical Solution:- Stop Eating.
Working on the simple, but radical solution that if I stop shoveling stuff in my mouth I will lose weight and fat I will track my results. This principle comes from the logical conclusion that their were no fat people in concentration camps - starve people and they will be thin - genetics is NO excuse. I've also read that it is a good way to clean toxins out of your system and is used for spiritual and religious purposes, enlightening the mind.
Of course sitting for hours in front of the computer probably doesn't help with burning those extra calories. I'm not so worried about the weight - in fact 80 kilos would be a good weight for someone who's 178 cm tall if it was all muscle - but it ain't. I don't have any fat on my legs, ass, arms - as with most men my fat ends up in one place - my stomach. Hardly an attractive look. Now I'm not going to say anything as radical as I won't stop until I have a six pack or rock hard abs - but I expect at least to see some notable to the size of my waist!!! Time will tell.
I told my supportive wife and she merely laughed? It is great to see that I inspire such faith in people especially those close to me.
In a blatant grab for cash I will be adding affiliate ads (like banners and the like) to this blog hence you will see some banners.
Posted by Get Financial Freedom 4 U at 12:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: breakdown fat, fat, lose weight, reduce sugar craving
Sunday, April 15, 2007
SWAT training Fun
There is training and then there is TRAINING!
Labels: funny video, swat training video
Visiting London ONE DAY:-
My Dream to Visit London - England.
It has been my desire for many a year to visit London. It was six generations ago that various branches of my family left England, Ireland and Scotland in the 1840's for Down under, New Zealand. Like most people I would love to travel but like most people there is one main thing in my way - Money. It doesn't help that the exchange rate of the Aussie Dollar to the Pound is not at all a poor Australian's favor making any trip to Europe an expensive option. Despite this I like to dream and have written my top seven sites in London that I would like to visit.
(These accompanying photos are royalty free coming courteously of Stock Xchange and Royalty free photos for websites, PowerPoint, newletters, forums, blogs, schools and homework -
My top seven sites that I want to visit in London as listed below - for the full article visit article-gems The British Museum - thanks to its old empire days here lies one of the greatest collections of artifacts in the world. Who cares if it was stolen, pillaged, whatever - I'm just thankful that its been protected all in one place. Founded in 1753 it contains many great treasures thanks to the former power of the British Empire. Some of the treasures include Egyptian Mummies, Portland Vase, Mildenhall Treasure, Sutton Hoo Treasure, Elgin Marbles and classical pottery. Such is the quality of the collection it could also be called an art gallery as well as a collection of human history.

Buckingham Palace - no, not to visit what has at least on the outside to be one of the ugliest palace around - but to see the sights such as the changing of the guard walk the mall and look at the Victoria Monument. I've seen it on T.V. for enough weddings and funerals I would like to visit in person.

Westminster Abbey - one of the best looking grave yards in the world. The Gothic architecture, poets corner and the historical tombs and monuments. Whilst there a quick photo op over at the houses of parliament and Big Ben (which is the name of the bell).

Saint Paul's Cathedral - more crypts and a beautiful place of worship. Design by Christopher Wren rebuilding plan for London after the great fire it has survived the blitz and continues to function as a church for all of London holding the funeral of Sir Winston Churchill and the wedding of Charles and Di. Like Westminster abbey there are many important tombs and memorials.
The Royal Albert Hall - preferably visiting on the last night of the proms. Opened in 1870 it brings a touch of ancient Rome to London. Name after Victoria's dead German husband it has an appropriate memorial to Albert out the front rightly remember a man who was such a fan of the industrial age.

London's Parks, Kew Gardens, Kensington, Regent's Park, Hyde Park, Green Park, Saint James feeding the ducks, The serpentine, the beautiful trees or just the spaces of green.

(Some would argue I've missed out the Art Galleries, great sites - Trafalgar Square, Madame Tussaud's, other museums, Tower bridge, the London eye - perhaps after a visit I might be able to better rate these).
Posted by Get Financial Freedom 4 U at 8:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: london, london sight, london tourist spots, tour london
Touch of Paradise
Thankfully there are many sites on the internet that offer free photos. Photographers happy to show off their work on the internet.
This waterfall is in Sri Lanka and looks as if you would just love to jump in.

Images: We hope you enjoy the pictures.
Posted by Get Financial Freedom 4 U at 12:34 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Advertising Online
With online business becoming more important and giving a great opportunity for extra income many people are completing to advertise their offerings online.
If you need some budget advertising try these.
Other Advertising Options.
Looking for some other sources of traffic on a tight budget other than just surfing programs.
Ezine ads, solo ads and top sponsor ads can be effective.
Posted by Get Financial Freedom 4 U at 10:57 PM 0 comments
Miami Ink
When Tattoo's Go Bad A Look at Miami Ink.
It is interesting that one of my favorite shows on television is Miami Ink. Why? Because I am probably one of the last persons in the world who would ever get a tattoo. Despite this I still love the show. Even though I probably would never get a tattoo I can appreciate art. Essentially that is what Miami Ink is about, great artists producing a new art work each week. I especially like it when they go away from the traditional tattoo staples of skulls (tough stickers) and the like and move into flowers, wild life and portraits. The main characters of the show are the tattoo artists who work at Miami Ink. These include:- AMI - one of the main shop owners and very skilled with a hugely strong personality, dare if you do to call him bald considering he's a bit of a fighter. This strong personality comes out in his tattoo's his best work being when the client allows him to work free hand. NUNEZ co-owner of the business and is the party guy. He gives you the feeling he enjoys life and people. GARVER is probably the best tattoo artist in the shop having years of experience that wear on his body but when it comes to doing large pieces of substance he appears to be your man - just don't ask him to tattoo a fairy. KAT is the only female tattoo artist in the shop and is the person to see if you want a photo quality portrait of a close person you wish to remember. DARREN is the shortest in the group but that means he can get closer to his work. Finally there is YOJI the apprentice still nervously learning the trade. The show is mainly about the tattoo's but it is also about the artists and the people who come and visit. Most have a reason why they want a particular tattoo. This is what keeps the show fresh - new people every show. On top of that the show goes into the life of the artists - the fishing trips, the parties, the fun and the struggles, this makes you feel as a friend not just a viewer. Miami Ink is not just the name of a great tattoo shop Miami Ink is the name of a classic reality T.V. show. This article comes off article-gems article directory Of course not every tattoo is a work of art . . .
Posted by Get Financial Freedom 4 U at 2:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: Funny Pictures, Miami Ink, Tattoo's
American's - Can anyone understand them?
America's double standards?
Don Imus, whose iconoclastic morning show regularly features interviews with politicians including presidential candidates, has been suspended for two weeks as black leaders clamour for his dismissal and urge a boycott of his programme .... In his show last Wednesday, following their defeat in the national championship final against the University of Tennessee, he told listeners: “That’s some rough girls from Rutgers...Man, they got tattoos - that’s some nappy-headed hos there.” The phrase “nappy-headed” refers to the tight curls of afro-textured hair, while “hos” is slang for whores. (courteousy Times Online) - once again showing how in the land of 'FREE SPEECH' how easy it is to stir up controversy! Considering worst is said on Jerry Springer and a million T.V. talk shows everyday once again we see how selective American's really can be. Obviously on T.V. its Ok, but on the Radio its somehow different?
Posted by Get Financial Freedom 4 U at 1:59 AM 0 comments
Great Practical Jokes
Great Practical Jokes
If you think you are great at playing practical Jokes try this one on for size.

Labels: bomb squad, practical jokes
Friday, April 13, 2007
Family Guy

I love the family guy. I think it has taken over from the Simpsons as my favorite family based cartoon. Of course it is the baby that makes the show. His diabolical plots, super intelligence and desire for world domination provides much of the best scripts in the show. Having a talking dog is weird but somehow the show still works if your prepared not to ask too questions about reality.
Posted by Get Financial Freedom 4 U at 11:38 PM 0 comments
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