Watched the Simpsons - The Movie - and found it not worth the effort. It seemed just like a regular Simpsons episode just stretched into a movie length version.
It starts with Bart and Homer laughing at who would pay to see the Simpsons Movie when you get to watch them free on TV. After seeing the movie I not only agree, I want my money back. The Simpsons Movie was a total DUD. The storyline line - about the city being stuck in a glass dome a total stretch and why the Simpsons Family went to Alaska when it took about 5 minutes of the story is beyond me.

THE FILM STUCKED, BIG TIME. I wouldn't even bother getting it out on DVD. There were about 3 Jokes and most of those are in the trailer.
Just go to show, don't expect writers who for ten years have made a 30 minute T.V. show to be able to drag that out to a movie - obviously beyond their talents.
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