Well Australia is in the throws of another Federal Election with all the promises and tax payers money thrown around like its candy. The fact of the matter is John Howard will lose this election for a number of reasons - he is seen as passed his prime - an old man desperately trying to cling on to power for the benefit of his own ego. His outrageous promise to keep interest rates low - something pretty much out of his control which has backfired tremendously with numerous interest rate rises (7 I think). That he let the housing market over cook itself and now rents are skyrocketing and new home buyers have stuff all chance of getting into their own house. Finally the lies about inflation - that it is at the top end of the 3% level - I don't know what inflation figure they make up but it is certainly not the one for the average Australian. We know our living expenses have near doubled in the last five years - petrol - doubled, housing - doubled, food - doubled - these are the items that make up most average peoples budget and when they go up we scream for a pay rise to keep our head above water. And what to we get - Workchoices - designed to push wages DOWN - that was the final straw for most Australians and that why I believe Rudd's Labor party will get in. Don't get me wrong I'm no fan of Labor and its radicals. Despite Rudd saying Marriage is between a Man and Woman, don't be surprised if the family unit as the basis of society is destroyed further by 'civil unions' or something similar being allowed and condemning Australia further into an Atheistic sinkhole. Likewise the Labor State governments are well overdue for replacement and look to see them start dropping like flies. Australians are smart enough to try and keep different parties in each position - stops them totally destroying the country.

Despite this I a life long Conservative voter will be voting Labor and that should have the Liberals quaking in their boots that they have lost traditional voters. Why? because I'm going backwards financially if I solely rely on income from my job (Just over broke). Thankfully my internet business continues to grow and gives hope that I will be able to buy that home and take my family on a world trip - things that make life worth living. Global Domains International is growing steadily and in about a year will be doing very well - if you need a second income and home business that won't drive you further into debt I recommend GDI which at only $10 a month is simply the best internet business out there. My article directory continues to grow - article-gems.com heading towards its first birthday and 25,000 articles. This time next year I hope to have 100,000 articles and be earning a serious adsense income. These two businesses combined income in a year I hope to be earning enough to meet my dreams of a deposit for a house and/or a world trip.
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