Saturday, November 24, 2007

Labor wins Federal Election.

Well my last post was dead on the mark - labor won and won in a landslide. The liberals failed to help the battlers and paid the price. I think it will be out of Kevin Rudd's hands as to how the economy performs - with rising fuel prices and a coming economic storm I think he has been handed a poison chalice. America is about to have to pay the price for decades of debt and massive trade deficits, the country is nearly bankrupt and the US dollar is in free fall. When the storm finally hits the U.S. it will cease to import Chinese products and their economy will tank and then all Asia will follow - with no one needing Australia's raw materials - the building boom will stop overnight and the tradesmen who have been earning $100,000 plus a year will struggle to find work.

A storm is coming what have you done to prepare for it?

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