Saturday, July 19, 2008

Rising Oil Prices

Every one other than rich oil producers - hate the rising price of oil and we are all feeling it at the pump, which means less money in your pocket. Thankfully since moving to a small town my fuel bills are smaller as I travel less distance now. I'd encourage those petrol guzzling Americans to get rid of their SUV's and drive economical cars. And stop using fuel oil to heat your homes - get a wood heater. What you burn is carbon neutral so long as you are planting trees in place of the ones you are burning.

One particularly disgusting site was the Chinese having to clean up the bays where the Olympic Sailing is suppose to take place - huge green algae blooms not just in the water but growing above it as well stacking huge rafts of green crap - yuck! - I think China will need to re examine how it industrializes or the sudden leap forward will be a leap straight into a toxic hell hole.

It's interesting how the internet works. This blog on random rabble from my mind receives a lot of hits from tattoo searches thanks to the picture of the cow tattoo in an early post.

So if you came here to see a million tattoos designs and not just a lame tattoo of a cow - Click Here for more!

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