Don't forget to check out opening 12 March 2012.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Mingle mooch opens 12th March 2012
One of the most exciting offerings on the internet is opening on the 12th March 2012. is going to be a one stop shop for internet users. At one place they are going to find a social network, a forum, a blogs sphere and an article directory with more to come in future. This is going to become an immensely popular location.
article directory,
social network
Thursday, March 1, 2012

I liked the Wordpress article directory concept so much that I've joined in a partnership. The result is - the newest and we believe the best social network available because we have placed numerous resources in one place, including a social network with forum and an article directory.
I invite all my readers to visit
article directory,
social network
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
The Article Directory I was looking for!

I've finally got the great looking article directory I was looking for. Article Revival is now an Article Directory I can be proud of. I welcome all serious authors who are interested in posting quality content. If you are a publisher looking for content then pick up our feeds are the bottom of the Home Page at Article Revival
Article Directory for Wordpress Disappointment.
Most things I buy on the internet I don't have a problem with. But I must complain about Article Directory Script for wordpress developed by Terry Sacia and published by Cambrian House, LLC (limited liability company). This wordpress article directory script comes with a lot of hype but using it was a nightmare. My server nearly suspended my account because the script was so greedy. It had security holes you could drive a truck through. Even the developer Terry Sacia recognised this and asked purchasers to be patient for a week while he "fixed" the problem. I updated the script to his latest version which was so buggy. He blamed me for most of my problems and called me a "time waster" "just bitching" and banned me from posting in the "support" forum. If it is just me I would have have thought he could be right. But numerous other persons on the "support" forum were having problems - with most of their questions being left unanswered for days on end - yeh that's good for the page rank of a new site to have it going to 404 errors and the like while you wait for the developer or someone to answer your questions. This product was certainly in my opinion not worth the $77 - especially so when you can get FREE wordpress article scripts in the available plugins for wordpress. I know other persons who like me abandoned the troublesome script for something better. My advice stay away from this one. I never got my money back for what I found to be a substandard product that did not live up to its marketing hype. As an Ezine articles author with over 200,000 views I should have know better to buy an "article" directory product from an ezine articles author with just 1,250 views. Myself as a well published author and having run article directories before was really let down by this offering. With more work the script might improve in the future - but for me personally I won't touch it with a barge pole. Wordpress article directory script isn't a scam - its just not a great product. When forking out $77 you expect more bang for your buck - not just a program that adds a few features to those already within wordpress.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
New Article Directory
Well my wife said I needed a hobby, so I've again started an article directory.
I welcome new authors and articles.
The new article directory is called article revival.
We hope it will turn out to be as great a success as our previous article directory.
If your looking for content or RSS feeds stop on by.
I welcome new authors and articles.
The new article directory is called article revival.
We hope it will turn out to be as great a success as our previous article directory.
If your looking for content or RSS feeds stop on by.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Election time again
I see I haven't blogged for ages. Once again we have a Federal election in Australia and in 3 years Labor has gone from flavor of the month to a stale bad taste in the mouth.
In Queensland in particular Anna Bligh's toxic government may cost her federal counterparts. Anna Bligh has bankrupted Queensland and is now having a fire sale on assets. I hope Queensland finally wake up and dump her ass in the next state election which is far to far away.
Which brings me to the next point with the increasing debt levels of governments around the world the paper currencies look ever more to be only worth paper so I'm collecting Silver. Beautiful metal that holds real value and becoming in greater demand all the time.
In Queensland in particular Anna Bligh's toxic government may cost her federal counterparts. Anna Bligh has bankrupted Queensland and is now having a fire sale on assets. I hope Queensland finally wake up and dump her ass in the next state election which is far to far away.
Which brings me to the next point with the increasing debt levels of governments around the world the paper currencies look ever more to be only worth paper so I'm collecting Silver. Beautiful metal that holds real value and becoming in greater demand all the time.
anna bligh,
federal election.,
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tight Election Contest
Well the Queensland state election continues to be a tight contest with neither party throwing a knockout punch. Perhaps the most disastrous thing to happen in the last week is the holing of a container ship and the spilling of oil on S.E. Queensland much beloved beaches. I think this more than any other thing demonstrates why this Labor government is unfit to govern and needs tossing out. As with most things in the last 11 years under labor its too little, too late, and yet another cock up response to a problem.
Having been advised that the ship had spilled oil what did this government do? Nothing? They didn't try to contain the spill, or soak it up at sea or even use chemicals disperse the slick - no they sit back and wait for it to wash on the shore and a put toxic sludge all over some of the nicest beaches in Queensland. Finally days later they get off their asses once they realize they can't hide it for the public - you tend to notice your favorite blue water beach with dark brown water and your shoes destroyed by the toxic black muck at your feet. Then they scrap off the surface sand for dumping elsewhere - that's Labors solution for most of whats wrong with this state - slow response, wrong response, wasted time and effort.
Captain BLIGH call me Fletcher Christian - because I for one will be voting you off the ship.
Fellow Queenslander's feel free to mutiny with me and let's get a new government in Queensland.
Having been advised that the ship had spilled oil what did this government do? Nothing? They didn't try to contain the spill, or soak it up at sea or even use chemicals disperse the slick - no they sit back and wait for it to wash on the shore and a put toxic sludge all over some of the nicest beaches in Queensland. Finally days later they get off their asses once they realize they can't hide it for the public - you tend to notice your favorite blue water beach with dark brown water and your shoes destroyed by the toxic black muck at your feet. Then they scrap off the surface sand for dumping elsewhere - that's Labors solution for most of whats wrong with this state - slow response, wrong response, wasted time and effort.
Captain BLIGH call me Fletcher Christian - because I for one will be voting you off the ship.
Fellow Queenslander's feel free to mutiny with me and let's get a new government in Queensland.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Queensland goes to the polls on March 21 - Bring on the Borg
Thankfully Queensland now has the chance to toss out our current incompetent government. Anna Bligh sees on the horizon the huge budget deficit coming her way and decides to dodge the bullet by going to an early election. Hopefully the people of Queensland won't be fooled and will realize how wasteful this Queensland state Labour Government has been. They have been unable to fix the health system and our education system has slipped to the lowest in Australia. Why? Because the Labour government has no real idea on how to solve any of these problems - they believe their own spin - if you say its all alright for long enough it's got to be true. As a state governmment employee I've seen first hand the desire to disort the facts, cook the books, hide the true figures and ignore any constructive criticism - its a dirty word to have an original idea or to say that a problem actually exists - they perfer to sweep it under the carpet and pretend there is no problem.
Money has been wasted on sports and the arts that should have gone to core state government functions - health, education and emergency services. Under this Labor government the staff moral in hospitals, schools, police, ambulance and fire has hit an all time low as the state government has mistreated and bullied its employees to follow the mantra - everythings ok, we are the SMART state ..... lies, lies and more lies has been the mantra of the Queensland labor government. If we fail to vote out this government be prepared for a debt ridden Queensland for decades to come. We have already lost our triple A rating meaning we pay more interest than ever before.
Hopefully 21st March will be the date for Queensland turning over a new leaf.
Money has been wasted on sports and the arts that should have gone to core state government functions - health, education and emergency services. Under this Labor government the staff moral in hospitals, schools, police, ambulance and fire has hit an all time low as the state government has mistreated and bullied its employees to follow the mantra - everythings ok, we are the SMART state ..... lies, lies and more lies has been the mantra of the Queensland labor government. If we fail to vote out this government be prepared for a debt ridden Queensland for decades to come. We have already lost our triple A rating meaning we pay more interest than ever before.
Hopefully 21st March will be the date for Queensland turning over a new leaf.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Carlo Sand Blow
If ever you visit Rainbow Beach, Queensland, can I suggest you take a short detour to the Carlo Sand Blow. Most people visit Rainbow beach to go on the ferry to Fraser Island. But there is heaps you can do at Rainbow Beach itself. Rainbow beach is 71 km from Gympie off the Bruce Highway. I suggest if you want to see it before it changes forever, now is the time, because the traditional feel of the beach side town is being destroyed by the building of numerous large white units close to the beach. Shortly it will be just another Noosa.
But back to the Carlo Sand Blow. The Carlo sand blow is a huge sand dune kept open by constant wind. Great fun to walk over - so long as you are cautious and don't try to get too close to the cliff edge above the beach. The Carlo Sand Blow is accessed by a short walk - about 500m down a well define gravel path with a slight rise and a series of steps through surrounding bushland.
The sand dune itself is worth seeing, but if you're lucky you will also see para gliders taking advantage of the steady winds. There were three there on the day we visited and you can see a white chute in the middle of the picture below. There is a sign saying para gliders are not to land amongst the swimming section of the beach, but I imagine if you are landing at speed you don't always have a choice of where you end up - typical government red tape - please don't crash here!
You can try sliding down the sides of the dunes, but I don't know if the climb is worth it, my calves are still paying for it today. But if your a health nut and want a great work out for your legs - climb the steep side of the dunes bare foot. I personally like the views the best - the blue sea, the cool wind, well worth the trip - though I suggest you take a bottle of water - it gets hot. The picture below gives you an idea of the scale.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
New Breed of Flower?
Is this a new breed of flower? No its proof that flowers in vases continue to 'drink' water. Blue dry was put into the water and was sucked up the stem and into the very tips of the petals making for an strange, but interesting looking flower.
I haven't written much random rabble lately as I've been a bit frustrated at the search engines. I had a couple of sites doing really well but then they just die - not happy jan! With this lost in search engine numbers so the adsense income died - very annoying - earning money on the internet is a bit like a lottery - some strike it rich, some get little payouts and some get nothing at all.
Politics and current events are boring at the moment so not much to talk about there.
That said I've written a few new articles on the Nintendo Wii and started a new blog based around the Wii. If you are looking for a place to download games for your Wii click on this link.
flower picture,
strange flower,
wii downloads
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Beijing Olympics - China comes of age
Well I for one loved the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony. The music, history and lightening was fantastic and the use of the stadium itself as a backdrop was magic. The swimming center with its radical design - "the cube" with its plastic bubbles is cutting edge design and when lit up at night will be a must see attraction in Beijing years after the games has finished.
China has really put on a great display with beautiful venues just dripping with history and color. I'm sure their tourism industry will get a big boast from the media attention. The temples, palaces, the great wall - It all shouts - come and visit. I stand by my previous post - China does seriously need to become Environmentally concerned, aiming to improve air and water quality - but I now say it because China should not hide its wonders in a cloud of smog.
As for the Olympics ..... Well done, China, congratulations.
China has really put on a great display with beautiful venues just dripping with history and color. I'm sure their tourism industry will get a big boast from the media attention. The temples, palaces, the great wall - It all shouts - come and visit. I stand by my previous post - China does seriously need to become Environmentally concerned, aiming to improve air and water quality - but I now say it because China should not hide its wonders in a cloud of smog.
As for the Olympics ..... Well done, China, congratulations.
Beijing 2008,
Beijing Olympics,
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Rising Oil Prices
Every one other than rich oil producers - hate the rising price of oil and we are all feeling it at the pump, which means less money in your pocket. Thankfully since moving to a small town my fuel bills are smaller as I travel less distance now. I'd encourage those petrol guzzling Americans to get rid of their SUV's and drive economical cars. And stop using fuel oil to heat your homes - get a wood heater. What you burn is carbon neutral so long as you are planting trees in place of the ones you are burning.
One particularly disgusting site was the Chinese having to clean up the bays where the Olympic Sailing is suppose to take place - huge green algae blooms not just in the water but growing above it as well stacking huge rafts of green crap - yuck! - I think China will need to re examine how it industrializes or the sudden leap forward will be a leap straight into a toxic hell hole.
It's interesting how the internet works. This blog on random rabble from my mind receives a lot of hits from tattoo searches thanks to the picture of the cow tattoo in an early post.
So if you came here to see a million tattoos designs and not just a lame tattoo of a cow - Click Here for more!
One particularly disgusting site was the Chinese having to clean up the bays where the Olympic Sailing is suppose to take place - huge green algae blooms not just in the water but growing above it as well stacking huge rafts of green crap - yuck! - I think China will need to re examine how it industrializes or the sudden leap forward will be a leap straight into a toxic hell hole.
It's interesting how the internet works. This blog on random rabble from my mind receives a lot of hits from tattoo searches thanks to the picture of the cow tattoo in an early post.
So if you came here to see a million tattoos designs and not just a lame tattoo of a cow - Click Here for more!
chinese pollution,
oil prices,
tattoo designes
Friday, June 6, 2008
My first ebook.
First I've written my first ebook. Its 23 pages and 6,500 words long. Its all about how to making money with Global Domains International and understanding the GDI back office. It's not to bad even if I say so myself. My only problem was I couldn't embed the links in with the text, so I just put an activate link in brackets after the text - not ideal, but I'll sort the problem out in later editions. It's nice to get your first ebook completed and I hope its the first of many now I know how to do it.
free ebook,
free gdi ebook,
my first ebook.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
The Fat Rich PIG is COMING!
NC Media - the go to guy in getting help to publish an online affiliate product has been kind enough to let me get in before the launch of what will be the latest hot product on clickbank - the Fat Rich Pig - due for release on the 1st May 2008 - don't wait get your copy now
Click on the banner to learn more.
Click on the banner to learn more.
buy richpig,
get richpig,
rich pig,
the fat rich pig
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Not every day you get a comment post from Robert Kiyosaki

If you don't know who Robert Kiyosaki is - go to your local bookstore or library and get Rich Dad Poor Dad - and get yourself a life.
I had Robert post to one of my blogs - on making money online. What a shock - a man I've revered and admired actually blogged me! Robert has started his own online blog - called not surprisingly Richdad - I predict it will quickly become one of the most popular blogs on blogger and have a page rank to match once the word gets out. His posts are full of great financial information and he continues to teach. Now it looks like I better get investing in some gold and silver before the recession really hits.
Robert thanks for your comment.
comment posting,
richdad blog,
robert kiyosaki
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Great Hail Storm
Its been awhile since I've seen a decent Hail Storm, but we had a good one yesterday. Not so much due to the size of the hail - the biggest pieces were about marble size. But more due to the quantity. My wife picked it on the drive to get our son from school. As we came to a rise that has a great view at a set of traffic lights, the sky had intense greys and bubbling of a thunderstorm. My wife said, "Those clouds have hail." Sure enough without half an hour the hail came down.
I've included some pictures of the hail here. It was heavy enough to trim the trees of a lot of their leaves and the ground became frosted with a mist/fog rising up from the ground, it was very zen - the kids loved it - hell so did I. Its nice to be given a good surprise by nature now and then.
Thats not broken glass - it's ice.
Hail stones,
Hail storm,
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Sense of Humor
I was surfing the net and it is good to see even coppers have a sense of humor.
There is a great thread with funny police photos - click the link below.
*Police Forum*
There is a great thread with funny police photos - click the link below.
*Police Forum*
funny photos,
funny police photos,
police forum
Thursday, April 10, 2008
I hate the Flu
I hate the flu. It starts with a sore throat and then you know no matter what you do you are going to feel like crap for the next few days. Medications just seem to zone one out. Perhaps this is the real demonstration of where modern medicines limitations are. The only answer - drink lots of fluids and have lots of sleep - i.e. let your body natural immune system do the work.
However this allows me to remember how good I generally have it in life and what a precious gift good health is. It's not until your sick that you can really appreciate how good it is to be well. Perhaps that what life is - we put up with bad times because they make the good times even better.
That's my random rabble for today - very random due to a full on head cold.
However this allows me to remember how good I generally have it in life and what a precious gift good health is. It's not until your sick that you can really appreciate how good it is to be well. Perhaps that what life is - we put up with bad times because they make the good times even better.
That's my random rabble for today - very random due to a full on head cold.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Are you exercising enough?
After a decent walk today up hill and down dale, I realized that in today's modern world we don't do enough exercise or use our body as its meant to. Get out and exercise each day - you will feel better for it.
That's my random rabble for today.
That's my random rabble for today.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Buying more ebooks - RICH JERK
I brought the Rich Jerk's ebook. After getting through the normal barrage of SPECIAL offers I downloaded the ebook. Very easy to download and easy to read. Its 65 pages long and covers the basic of internet marketing.
Now I've done the big move and unpacked the house (hell of a job - hopefully won't have to do it for a long while - at least I like the new house), I've decided to get serious about my online ventures. The article directory - article-gems continues to grow, but the growth in adsense income is slow, so slow - my best day was $8 - I only wish that was every day. It takes time to approve articles and so many of them will just be duplicate content anyhow. GDI has plateau at the moment until I can find a new way to market it so I'm going to get serious about clickbank marketing - with this in mind I've started a new blog to review clickbank products - making money online review.
Now I've done the big move and unpacked the house (hell of a job - hopefully won't have to do it for a long while - at least I like the new house), I've decided to get serious about my online ventures. The article directory - article-gems continues to grow, but the growth in adsense income is slow, so slow - my best day was $8 - I only wish that was every day. It takes time to approve articles and so many of them will just be duplicate content anyhow. GDI has plateau at the moment until I can find a new way to market it so I'm going to get serious about clickbank marketing - with this in mind I've started a new blog to review clickbank products - making money online review.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Moving to a small town
Well we've moved out of the city into a country town. This has many advantages - cheaper rent, less travel, cleaner air, lower crime, etc. I don't know why we see the need to congregate into large cities anyhow. The town I've moved to has nearly everything I wanted and used before and its closer - so I don't why people always think big is better.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Earth Hour - What a Fraud
The media is going on about how wonderful earth hour is and how much power we will save by taking part in earth hour. Another typical example of mass ignorance. As most of our power comes from coal powered plants, this one hour, even if everybody cut power use to zero would be not save one thing - why? - because coal power plants take a long time to get up to full producing power capacity, they can't shut down for one hour, or even reduce the furness to low. They can't lessen the amount of coal used as they need to keep up steam pressure up. Letting it cool for an hour and then reheating it will only increase the amount of coal used - so you will have to forgive me because I'll be keeping my lights on. If you really want to make a difference - install a solar panel or solar hot water heater - you will make a real difference instead of some valueless P.C. hour of feel good crap.
Talking about crap - Man has a baby - more of the gender and sexual confusion rubbish from the modern media. One - Any person who has the tackle changed - is still whatever their DNA says they are. Painting an apple orange and injecting it with orange juice - won't change it into an orange - it just recks a perfectly good apple. Two - just how confused is this gay activist? Man/women/Gay/straight - I'm not sure she really knows, first she's a lesbian, then she's a "man" and now a mother! Get your head read lady. The "Gay" lifestyle promoted by the media only brings confusion and destruction of the family in the long term - the Bible, in particular Romans chapter 3 - points out the true fruits - this is a direct result of rejecting God.
If your interested in getting the Bible online -
has the Bible in mp3 format for free.
Talking about crap - Man has a baby - more of the gender and sexual confusion rubbish from the modern media. One - Any person who has the tackle changed - is still whatever their DNA says they are. Painting an apple orange and injecting it with orange juice - won't change it into an orange - it just recks a perfectly good apple. Two - just how confused is this gay activist? Man/women/Gay/straight - I'm not sure she really knows, first she's a lesbian, then she's a "man" and now a mother! Get your head read lady. The "Gay" lifestyle promoted by the media only brings confusion and destruction of the family in the long term - the Bible, in particular Romans chapter 3 - points out the true fruits - this is a direct result of rejecting God.
If your interested in getting the Bible online -
has the Bible in mp3 format for free.
Monday, March 10, 2008
What is olde England thinking?
Great Britain is tightening up immigration and visa rules and taking a dump on old friends.
No one should be mistaken the long history Australia and New Zealand have with Britain. The Union Jack is on the flag of both countries for a reason. Both had the majority of settlers from Britain, speak English, have a British based form of government and have the Queen as their head of state. That is why is was a shock down under when Britain is talking of changing long term immigration policy.
Britain has a long history of difficulty on immigration with politicians speechs of 'blood on the street'. Much of Britain is no longer British with urban ghettos of various cultures from around the world creating a 'multicultural' Britain for better or worse. In fact it is often said if you want to go to a real English city you need to go to Christchurch, New Zealand or for a Scottish one - Dunedin. Certainly the current political situation with Muslim Britain shows the dramas immigration has created and that all is not so rosy with having all the colors of the rainbow.
Now Britain is taking even closer steps to Europe and faces a flood of immigrants from the former Eastern European countries. So what does the British government do? Is talks of tightening up on immigration and getting rid of the grandfather clause. The Grandfather clause allowed one if they had a grand parent born in Britain to get a visa to work and live in the country for 4 years. From down under a six month visa was also available - there is now talk of getting limiting this to 3 months and getting rid of the grandfather clause all together. I'm not sure how my British grandfather would feel about this, but as his grandson - I'm not happy. Once again the British elite - much to the frustration of real British people - takes a step closer to Europe and dumps on its heritage. What was the point of all those centuries of empire building, wars, deaths, and transportation - if you are only going to spit on it at a later date - Queen Victoria would be vomiting in her grave. I would be also interested in the legal power a native of New Zealand has in automatically claiming British citizenship as guaranteed by the Queen in 1840 under treaty!!
The fact of the matter is if Britain cuts this last link to its former friends down under we may as well cut the union jack off the Australian and New Zealand flags and throw the Queen out as head of our state because Britain will have demonstrated that Europe is their only concern. If that's the case - don't come calling for us to get involved in your next war, or expect the flock of tourists you currently have from our countries - I'm off to visit the great wall of China instead!
No one should be mistaken the long history Australia and New Zealand have with Britain. The Union Jack is on the flag of both countries for a reason. Both had the majority of settlers from Britain, speak English, have a British based form of government and have the Queen as their head of state. That is why is was a shock down under when Britain is talking of changing long term immigration policy.
Britain has a long history of difficulty on immigration with politicians speechs of 'blood on the street'. Much of Britain is no longer British with urban ghettos of various cultures from around the world creating a 'multicultural' Britain for better or worse. In fact it is often said if you want to go to a real English city you need to go to Christchurch, New Zealand or for a Scottish one - Dunedin. Certainly the current political situation with Muslim Britain shows the dramas immigration has created and that all is not so rosy with having all the colors of the rainbow.
Now Britain is taking even closer steps to Europe and faces a flood of immigrants from the former Eastern European countries. So what does the British government do? Is talks of tightening up on immigration and getting rid of the grandfather clause. The Grandfather clause allowed one if they had a grand parent born in Britain to get a visa to work and live in the country for 4 years. From down under a six month visa was also available - there is now talk of getting limiting this to 3 months and getting rid of the grandfather clause all together. I'm not sure how my British grandfather would feel about this, but as his grandson - I'm not happy. Once again the British elite - much to the frustration of real British people - takes a step closer to Europe and dumps on its heritage. What was the point of all those centuries of empire building, wars, deaths, and transportation - if you are only going to spit on it at a later date - Queen Victoria would be vomiting in her grave. I would be also interested in the legal power a native of New Zealand has in automatically claiming British citizenship as guaranteed by the Queen in 1840 under treaty!!
The fact of the matter is if Britain cuts this last link to its former friends down under we may as well cut the union jack off the Australian and New Zealand flags and throw the Queen out as head of our state because Britain will have demonstrated that Europe is their only concern. If that's the case - don't come calling for us to get involved in your next war, or expect the flock of tourists you currently have from our countries - I'm off to visit the great wall of China instead!
travel to Britain
Thursday, March 6, 2008
CLICKBANK -Bum Marketing
I just read a great article on Bum Marketing - how to make money through clickbank without any money - hence the title "BUM".
Many people are struggling to make money today - thankfully the internet offers a way to make money.
Affiliate programs such as clickbank are a good way to increase you income if you are willing to educate yourself just a little bit. Bum Marketing points out the importance of article directories in this process - article directories such as - are a great place to start because they allow direct affiliate links in the resource box. Huge article directories such as Ezine articles attract traffic but do not allow affiliate links - so you need a intermediate website or blog - like Computer Games Review gives you an example of what I'm talking about.
Remember to make money online does not always require money - sometimes is just requires hard work.
Many people are struggling to make money today - thankfully the internet offers a way to make money.
Affiliate programs such as clickbank are a good way to increase you income if you are willing to educate yourself just a little bit. Bum Marketing points out the importance of article directories in this process - article directories such as - are a great place to start because they allow direct affiliate links in the resource box. Huge article directories such as Ezine articles attract traffic but do not allow affiliate links - so you need a intermediate website or blog - like Computer Games Review gives you an example of what I'm talking about.
Remember to make money online does not always require money - sometimes is just requires hard work.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Year continues to roll on.
Once again time flies and we are already into the new year. This year we get an extra day as this month is a leap year - 29 days in February.
My online business continues to grow with adsense income growing - my aim to the get to $100 a month min. by the end of the year, preferably $10 a day to give enough spare income to pay for an overseas trip. Along with this my other sources of online income include Global Domains International - a great MLM program and I about to get serious about my income coming from click bank and give bum marketing of clickbank products a serious go. I'll keep you updated as always with the progress.
Article-gems continues to grow and now is over 40,000 articles strong and it one of my online success stories.
My online business continues to grow with adsense income growing - my aim to the get to $100 a month min. by the end of the year, preferably $10 a day to give enough spare income to pay for an overseas trip. Along with this my other sources of online income include Global Domains International - a great MLM program and I about to get serious about my income coming from click bank and give bum marketing of clickbank products a serious go. I'll keep you updated as always with the progress.
Article-gems continues to grow and now is over 40,000 articles strong and it one of my online success stories.
online business,
Monday, January 7, 2008
Compensation for the Stolen Generation?!
Julia Gillard once called John Howard a cunning politician - and that he was. He was smart enough to know the moment you apologize for something - admitting what you did was wrong - that someone will then be holding out their hand for payment in compensation. And sure enough that is what was on the news today - A BILLION dollar payout for the 'stolen' generation is being demanded. Its not enough that a billion dollars a year was given to ATSIC to largely waste until the Liberal government put a halt to the gravy train - the lawyers and their professional salesmen - the professional agitators, see the Labour's government apology as a source of a stream of income for years to come. I can guarantee you it won't stop at a Billion dollars, that will just be the first installment. The Maori Land claims in New Zealand show that once you start throwing money at agitators and their lawyers that it fast becomes an open wound stirred constantly for financial gain. A billion dollars would be about $40 for each and every Australian. That's $160 for my family. I pay enough tax now for the drug users, the scumbags, the social welfare professionals, and the professional baby incubators without adding another special interest group to the mix - particularly when they are already over-represented in the social welfare bill. I worry about having enough to pay the petrol bill let alone paying for events before my birth. Now don't get me wrong - it was a crappy deal to be ripped from your family and thrown into an alien culture - but before we start whinging for all the poor native peoples of the world I would like to remind you of some of my own family history - I've got Scottish peasants who were thrown off their land and forced to emigrate or starve, I've got Irish ancestors who were forced off their land by English landlords, I've got French Protestants who had to leave France thanks to their Catholic neighbors wanting to kill them ala the Saint Bartholomew's day massacre, no doubt they left a lot of property behind as they had to quickly flee and I've got English ancestors who had the joy of the land enclosures that saw the small landholders stuffed by the 'crown' in the interests of the aristocracy. In fact if history teaches anything its that people get screwed over ALL THE TIME. Hell I'd like compensation for being sold a lemon car, over paying for a house, being assaulted and injured or a million other shitty things that life throws up - But it aint happening.
Call me a red neck or if your honest - call me someone to understand history and tells it like it is. If you want to get ahead - stop bitching about the past and get on building a future. That's why I respect the Jews. Despite a history of thousands of years of being murdered, butchered, robbed, etc time and time again they pick themselves up and get on with life and on the whole succeed. I wish some others would take a leaf out of their book. If you want to get ahead - not just in this generation - but for the generations to come - stop looking for a hand out and start fighting to build a legacy.
Now I've had that rave - I'll start on Cricket. The Australian Cricket team - the best in the world, have come up against the biggest cricket nation in the world - India and its been like the irresistible force against the immovable object. The result India has currently suspended its Australian tour. Eventually this was going to happen - Australia seems to have a problem with the Asian teams - I remember fights with Sri Lanka which saw their top spinner refusing to come to Australia for a while. The fact is Cricket is a religion in South Asia - Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh - and that is where the future and money of the game is. Hence despite being the best team in the world Australia should tread carefully unless it wants to run out of countries to play against. Its a shame Clarke's 3 wickets in an over would have gone down in history if it wasn't for the disputes and arguments.
That's my random rabble for today.
Call me a red neck or if your honest - call me someone to understand history and tells it like it is. If you want to get ahead - stop bitching about the past and get on building a future. That's why I respect the Jews. Despite a history of thousands of years of being murdered, butchered, robbed, etc time and time again they pick themselves up and get on with life and on the whole succeed. I wish some others would take a leaf out of their book. If you want to get ahead - not just in this generation - but for the generations to come - stop looking for a hand out and start fighting to build a legacy.
Now I've had that rave - I'll start on Cricket. The Australian Cricket team - the best in the world, have come up against the biggest cricket nation in the world - India and its been like the irresistible force against the immovable object. The result India has currently suspended its Australian tour. Eventually this was going to happen - Australia seems to have a problem with the Asian teams - I remember fights with Sri Lanka which saw their top spinner refusing to come to Australia for a while. The fact is Cricket is a religion in South Asia - Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh - and that is where the future and money of the game is. Hence despite being the best team in the world Australia should tread carefully unless it wants to run out of countries to play against. Its a shame Clarke's 3 wickets in an over would have gone down in history if it wasn't for the disputes and arguments.
That's my random rabble for today.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Labor wins Federal Election.
Well my last post was dead on the mark - labor won and won in a landslide. The liberals failed to help the battlers and paid the price. I think it will be out of Kevin Rudd's hands as to how the economy performs - with rising fuel prices and a coming economic storm I think he has been handed a poison chalice. America is about to have to pay the price for decades of debt and massive trade deficits, the country is nearly bankrupt and the US dollar is in free fall. When the storm finally hits the U.S. it will cease to import Chinese products and their economy will tank and then all Asia will follow - with no one needing Australia's raw materials - the building boom will stop overnight and the tradesmen who have been earning $100,000 plus a year will struggle to find work.
A storm is coming what have you done to prepare for it?
A storm is coming what have you done to prepare for it?
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Looming Federal Election

Well Australia is in the throws of another Federal Election with all the promises and tax payers money thrown around like its candy. The fact of the matter is John Howard will lose this election for a number of reasons - he is seen as passed his prime - an old man desperately trying to cling on to power for the benefit of his own ego. His outrageous promise to keep interest rates low - something pretty much out of his control which has backfired tremendously with numerous interest rate rises (7 I think). That he let the housing market over cook itself and now rents are skyrocketing and new home buyers have stuff all chance of getting into their own house. Finally the lies about inflation - that it is at the top end of the 3% level - I don't know what inflation figure they make up but it is certainly not the one for the average Australian. We know our living expenses have near doubled in the last five years - petrol - doubled, housing - doubled, food - doubled - these are the items that make up most average peoples budget and when they go up we scream for a pay rise to keep our head above water. And what to we get - Workchoices - designed to push wages DOWN - that was the final straw for most Australians and that why I believe Rudd's Labor party will get in. Don't get me wrong I'm no fan of Labor and its radicals. Despite Rudd saying Marriage is between a Man and Woman, don't be surprised if the family unit as the basis of society is destroyed further by 'civil unions' or something similar being allowed and condemning Australia further into an Atheistic sinkhole. Likewise the Labor State governments are well overdue for replacement and look to see them start dropping like flies. Australians are smart enough to try and keep different parties in each position - stops them totally destroying the country.

Despite this I a life long Conservative voter will be voting Labor and that should have the Liberals quaking in their boots that they have lost traditional voters. Why? because I'm going backwards financially if I solely rely on income from my job (Just over broke). Thankfully my internet business continues to grow and gives hope that I will be able to buy that home and take my family on a world trip - things that make life worth living. Global Domains International is growing steadily and in about a year will be doing very well - if you need a second income and home business that won't drive you further into debt I recommend GDI which at only $10 a month is simply the best internet business out there. My article directory continues to grow - heading towards its first birthday and 25,000 articles. This time next year I hope to have 100,000 articles and be earning a serious adsense income. These two businesses combined income in a year I hope to be earning enough to meet my dreams of a deposit for a house and/or a world trip.
Friday, September 14, 2007
American Politics
American politics (and Australian for that matter) is known for lies, liars, and B.S. But American politics is quickly becoming the laughing stock of the world. Already having a President universally perceived around the world as a bit of a thickie, Senators were beginning to feel left out. So we have some self claimed right wing politician very anti-homosexual being caught in homosexual acts - totally hypocritical. These people have helped destroy a moderate Christian voice trying to speak to the world about real family values. In a world fast losing any form of morality any voice now trying to speak against this trend will now come under even more attacks.
Perhaps my best argument for outcome of do as you feel brigade is Britney Spears latest performance at the MTV awards - quite frankly Britney has never been the same since kissing Madonna on stage at the MTV awards - since then she has spiraled into ever increasingly weird actions - is there a link (i.e. removing all moral principles) and this self destruction. Judge for yourself. Once know for professional performances and the hardest working abs in Hollywood, she will now be known as having the softest working flap in Hollywood.
Here is a spoof of that performance.
Perhaps my best argument for outcome of do as you feel brigade is Britney Spears latest performance at the MTV awards - quite frankly Britney has never been the same since kissing Madonna on stage at the MTV awards - since then she has spiraled into ever increasingly weird actions - is there a link (i.e. removing all moral principles) and this self destruction. Judge for yourself. Once know for professional performances and the hardest working abs in Hollywood, she will now be known as having the softest working flap in Hollywood.
Here is a spoof of that performance.
britney spears,
disgraced senators,
us politics
Sunday, September 2, 2007
RV's - Recreational Vehicles - Serious motor homes
One of my goals with my internet businesses is to one day own an RV and have my advertising all down the side. Some of the pictures below give an idea of what a serious luxury motor homes are being produced. They are better than most people's standard homes.

If you have to travel large distances on land why not do it in style. With Global Domains International I'm closer to reaching my goals, what are you doing to reach yours?

If you have to travel large distances on land why not do it in style. With Global Domains International I'm closer to reaching my goals, what are you doing to reach yours?

Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Simpsons Movie Reviewed

Watched the Simpsons - The Movie - and found it not worth the effort. It seemed just like a regular Simpsons episode just stretched into a movie length version.
It starts with Bart and Homer laughing at who would pay to see the Simpsons Movie when you get to watch them free on TV. After seeing the movie I not only agree, I want my money back. The Simpsons Movie was a total DUD. The storyline line - about the city being stuck in a glass dome a total stretch and why the Simpsons Family went to Alaska when it took about 5 minutes of the story is beyond me.

THE FILM STUCKED, BIG TIME. I wouldn't even bother getting it out on DVD. There were about 3 Jokes and most of those are in the trailer.
Just go to show, don't expect writers who for ten years have made a 30 minute T.V. show to be able to drag that out to a movie - obviously beyond their talents.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Here it comes, the next recession
Here it comes, with the stock market now reaching its peak and tons of nervous investors big daily drops are becoming the norm. I think October will be the big crash - its the traditional month when investors lose the plot.
Thanks to too much debt a period of contraction is bound to happen sooner or later. What are you doing to create a second income?
I'm building my online businesses. JOIN HERE.
Thanks to too much debt a period of contraction is bound to happen sooner or later. What are you doing to create a second income?
I'm building my online businesses. JOIN HERE.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
What's with Hollywood?
What's with Hollywood? Or at least the female components. Young actresses seem to be going off the rails at a great rate of knots. Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie and now Lindsay Lohan. I suppose that's what you when to combine money with no moral purpose, drugs, fame, and fast living with a sense of being superior to everyone else and your eventually going to come unstuck. Its really sad, drugs are not only bad - they are down right evil. She is just lucky she didn't kill someone driving around like a lunatic.

As for me I'm far to busy building a future for my family to be out at party's, etc. The last two months have been great in Global Domains International - not just for me, but for my down line as well. If you are looking for a source of second income I strongly recommend GDI. Over time it will grow to be your primary income and unleash your dreams.

As for me I'm far to busy building a future for my family to be out at party's, etc. The last two months have been great in Global Domains International - not just for me, but for my down line as well. If you are looking for a source of second income I strongly recommend GDI. Over time it will grow to be your primary income and unleash your dreams.
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